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Quirónsalud Sports Clinic


At the Academy we have multidisciplinary and high-end equipment available.

Physiotherapy and rehabilitation

Its main objectives are to shorten recovery times, adapt the body to training, avoid risk factors, evaluate the injury situation, prevent injuries and improve the quality of training.

State-of-the-art machinery

At the Rafa Nadal Academy by Movistar we have multidisciplinary and high-end equipment such as INDIBA, Ultrasound (Siemens), EME, Hyperice… and a high knowledge in manual therapies and bandages to ensure the correct approach to each type of injury.

In addition, we have the technical support of Quirónsalud to perform all types of diagnostic imaging.

Isokinetic force evaluations: measures the muscular force exerted dynamically in a given range of motion, at a constant and programmable speed.

Alter G Treadmill: it is an anti-gravity treadmill, hermetically sealed and filled with air, which allows running at different speeds and inclination with a reduced body weight. In this way, we can apply an optimal load that maximizes healing and remodeling of injured tissues while avoiding impact.

Cryosense”: the Cryosense cold chamber has been specially developed for sports use. It constitutes a decisive support in the recovery from injuries and also helps to increase the physical performance of athletes.

Cryotherapy/contrast baths: Contrast baths are an excellent therapy to control inflammation in the face of injury, especially in the extremities. This technique consists of alternately immersing the injured limb in cold and hot water.


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