Rafa Nadal School
Full secondary education based on Rafa’s values.
Reference educational center
Enroll nowRafa Nadal has always been concerned about combining his studies and preparing for life as a professional tennis player. In fact many tennis players are forced to drop out of high school before entering college and this can become a long-term obstacle, limiting their options in the future.
For this reason, it was clear to Rafa that creating an international school within the Academy that would offer the flexibility needed to make tennis and studies truly compatible was much needed.

Personalized educational program
Rafa Nadal International School (RNS) offers a rigorous and personalized educational program, accredited by the Spanish system as well as by British and American organizations. With a differentiated approach between Kindergarten, Primary and Secondary, RNS seeks to provide a safe and enriching learning environment. Students have specialized teachers in various subjects who take periodic tests to evaluate their progress.

Scholarships at U.S. Universities
Los estudiantes del Rafa Nadal School (RNS) disfrutan de una educación de alto nivel que les prepara tanto académicamente como internacionalmente. Un logro destacado de los alumnos de RNS es su capacidad para obtener becas en universidades de EEUU. Gracias a su sólida formación académica, habilidades en inglés y experiencia en estándares educativos globales, muchos graduados de RNS han recibido becas para instituciones universitarias estadounidenses de renombre. Estas becas reconocen el mérito académico y la dedicación de los estudiantes, reflejando el éxito de la escuela en la preparación de sus alumnos para desafíos educativos y profesionales a nivel global.


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